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Holly Graham is part of group show The Oval Window at Gerald Moore Gallery - don't miss the clos

The Oval Window

Miriam Austin / Rutie Borthwick / Robbie Fife / Holly Graham / Anja Olofgörs / Ilona Sagar

Gerald Moore Gallery

3 May - 1 June 2019

Bringing together six artists, The Oval Window explores fictional, historical and mythical figures, using sculpture, film, painting and print to develop new narratives grounded in embodied, relational experience.

The Oval Window refers to a membrane that separates the passage between the inner and outer ear, and to a poem by the avant-garde poet JH Prynne, who pieces together a mosaic of voices drawn from diverse sources, from ancient Chinese poetry to the language of computer programming. In the context of the exhibition, the notion of the aural passage and its evocation of interior corporeal space opens questions of memory, inheritance and the politics of the body in relation to the process of devising new narrative forms. Each of the artists explore representations of the body- both contemporary and historical- to convey reflections on gender, subjective experience, power and marginalisation. Using storytelling devices, immersive experience and strategies that deconstruct familiar histories, the artists present works that reimagine our relationship with our own physicality and the structures that define our relations with others.

Open Saturdays: 4 May -1 June 10am-4pm Open Tuesdays: 7, 14, 21 May 4pm-8pm 28 May 10am-8pm Open:

29 May -1 June 10am-4pm


Saturday 1st June 2pm-4pm

Kingsgate Workshops Trust

110 -116 Kingsgate Road, London NW6 2JG 

Main Office (Wed-Fri) 0207 328 7878 

Project Space (Thu-Sat) 0207 624 6324 


Project Space open 12-6pm Thurs - Sat during exhibitions



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