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Fragments: a solo show by Gideon Rubin opens at Gallery EM, Korea ~ Saturday 1 September from 5pm

Gideon Rubin: Fragments

Gallery EM, Korea

Opening: Saturday 1 September from 5pm

Continues: 1 September - 20 October 2018

Gallery EM is pleased to present Gideon Rubin’s first solo exhibition in Korea, entitled Fragments. In this exhibition, Rubin will present fragmentary works derived from the projects with which he has been occupied in the last year. Pre-WW2 German magazines that were used as the source material for his recent solo exhibition at the Freud Museum in London titled ‘Black Book’ and imagery from Andrei Tarkovsky's 1975 Russian film, ‘The Mirror’ - a poetic reconstruction of fragmented personal memories - alongside images from Hollywood's politically charged 1950’s and a portrait of the young Basquiat wearing a suit too large for his size; and so, a wide spectrum of sources, inspirations and images make up this exhibition of “Fragments”...

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