millimetre02 presents: Magma ~ with work by Ian Brown, Jim Hobbs, Susan Johanknecht, Edwin Aitken, M

millimetre02 presents: Magma
PV Friday 24 August 2018 6-9pm
25 August - 22 September 2018
Ian Brown
Jim Hobbs
Susan Johanknecht
Edwin Aitken
Mark Harris
Denis Masi
Garry Mouat
Oona Grimes
Brian Hodgson
Magma was first exhibited in 2011 at the first millimetre project site in Camberwell, London. Here is an opportunity to see the exhibition again - in the spirit of the millimetre projects they can travel through time and space to new venues and into different configurations.
The artists here have all been taken by the various impacts and histories that volcanic events bring about both as fact and metaphor. Volcanoes are an uncontrollable force and difficult to predict, which is exactly why so many artists over the centuries have been fascinated by them. As is the case with some of the artists here, the encounters are secondary, by account or through scientific knowledge giving a certain distance to the views. Ian Brown has worked on a series of printed works that further process images from historic post cards picturing eruptions, these blow ups both deform and draw attention
to beauty and horrors of these events.
Image: Mark Harris