Victoria Adam: 'a healthy soil' at Hunter / Whitfield - Private View 30th November 2017 6pm-
Victoria Adam: a healthy soil
Private View: 30th November, 6pm - 8:30pm
(And afterwards at The Sutton Arms)
Exhibition: 1st December 2017 - 16th January 2018
Hunter / Whitfield
"The scent of many flowers only becomes apparent as you approach them, whereas the scent of a single polianthes can fill an entire room, but however enjoyable these beautiful scents are to us, their real purpose is to encourage the propagation of the species by attracting various insects to help with pollination." -- Anne Effelsberg, How to design and make potpourri and scented bouquets; an illustrated guide. (Oxon, Transedition Books, 1993) p.8
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