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Neil Haas is showing in... Wild Flowers (wildness is contextual!) at Narrative Projects until 16 Sep

Wild Flowers (wildness is contextual!)

20th July – 16th September 2017

Private view Thursday 20th July, 6-9pm

Narrative Projects, 110 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6XR

Mahmoud Bakhshi

Juliette Blightman

Lynn Chadwick

Ilya Dolgov

Harm van den Dorpel

Marte Eknæs

Marita Fraser

Neil Haas

Richard Hamilton

Mustafa Hulusi

Xiao-yang Li

Georgy Litichevsky

Gabriela Machado

Lulou Margarine

Carlos Noronha Feio

Alice RonchiDaniel van Straalen

Sigrid Viir

Kingsgate Workshops Trust

110 -116 Kingsgate Road, London NW6 2JG 

Main Office (Wed-Fri) 0207 328 7878 

Project Space (Thu-Sat) 0207 624 6324 


Project Space open 12-6pm Thurs - Sat during exhibitions



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