Jala Wahid is part of group show Still I Rise at Nottingham Contemporary 27 October 2018 - 27 Januar

Still I Rise
Feminisms, Gender, Resistance
Nottingham Contemporary
27 Oct 2018 - 27 Jan 2019
Still I Rise is a timely exhibition exploring the role that women have played in the history of resistance movements and alternative forms of living. Coinciding with the centenary of women’s suffrage in the UK, this major group exhibition looks at resistance across the world from a multiplicity of viewpoints, from the domestic sphere to large-scale uprisings and spanning the late 19th century to the present.
With over 100 exhibits by some 40 practitioners, Still I Rise presents the way in which resistance has been approached by visual artists, writers, architects, designers, activists, working as individuals or in groups. It takes place within a global context, referring to recent women-led uprisings and demonstrations, including mass protests in Argentina confronting violence against women: ‘Ni Una Menos’, the global Women’s Strike initiated in the US, as well as the pivotal role women played in the formation of the Black Lives Matter movement. The exhibition also references key historic moments including the Civil Rights Movement, resistance against dictatorships in Latin America in the 1960s–70s, independence movements against colonial rule in Africa, the Women’s Liberation Movement, the AIDS crisis and the Stonewall Rebellion.
At the core of Still I Rise is the idea of collaboration, community building and egalitarianism. The gallery space will host discussions, workshops and performances, creating a site for participation and a platform for multiple voices. Within the exhibition, visitors are invited to build their own version of the accompanying publication, reflecting a history of self-publishing as a form of resistance.
Exhibiting artists and collectives include: Amina Ahmed, Barby Asante, Alice Constance Austin, Xenobia Bailey, Glenn Belverio (Glennda Orgasm), Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz, Carolina Caycedo, Judy Chicago, Phyllis Christopher, Jackie Collins and Pat Garret, Blondell Cummings, Feminist Land Art Retreat, Guo Fengyi, Jeneen Frei Njootli, Chiara Fumai, Eduardo Gil, Anna Halprin, Margaret Harrison, Jesse Jones, Hayv Kahraman, Corita Kent, Donna Kukama, Suzanne Lacy and Leslie Labowitz Starus, Ellen Lesperance, Zoe Leonard, Mary Lowndes, Alex Martinis Roe, Ana Mendieta, Louise Michel, Ad Minoliti, Senga Nengudi, Ni Una Menos, Okwui Okpokwasili, 0rphan Drift, Bruno Pelassy, Faith Ringgold, Lala Rukh, Zorka Ságlová, Victoria Santa Cruz, See Red Women's Workshop, Tai Shani, Pamela Singh, Terence Smith (Joan Jett Blakk), Linda Stupart, Ramaya Tegegne, Jala Wahid, Faith Wilding, Osías Yanov.
For more information, click here.