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Seventh issue of KPS | 650mAh & 4649

The seventh issue of KPS is by 650mAh & 4649.

650mAh (f. 2017) is a curatorial project run by Ella Fleck & Tabitha Steinberg. Founded inside MIST Vape Shop in Hove, 650mAh challenges traditional gallery models by settling itself within a pre-existing business. 650mAh has exhibited artists including Delia Gonzalez, Naotaka Hiro, Dalibor Martinis and Tenant of Culture. 650mAh has guest curated exhibitions and projects in spaces such as Arcade (London), BQ (Berlin), Haus N (Athens) and Paris Internationale (Paris). 650mAh has an upcoming guest curated exhibition at Kingsgate Project Space in 2021. ⁣⁣

4649 (f. 2018) is a curatorial project and gallery in Sugamo, Tokyo run by artists Yuhei Kobayashi, Shogo Shimizu and Yuu Takamizawa. 4649’s on-site programme focuses on exhibitions with emerging, international artists to introduce their work to the Tokyo art scene. 4649 also participates in off-site projects, exhibiting Tokyo-based artists internationally. Recent exhibitions include 'Contrastissimo' (2020), Pina Vienna (2020), Ella Fleck and Tabitha Steinberg (2020), Alex Dolan and Jasper Spicero (2019), MX Gallery (2019), presentations at NADA Miami Project Booth (2019, 2018) and more.⁣⁣


Kingsgate Workshops Trust

110 -116 Kingsgate Road, London NW6 2JG 

Main Office (Wed-Fri) 0207 328 7878 

Project Space (Thu-Sat) 0207 624 6324 


Project Space open 12-6pm Thurs - Sat during exhibitions



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