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Just opened: Jala Wahid - Akh Milk Bile Threat | Seventeen til 14 October 2017

Jala Wahid - Akh Milk Bile Threat


9 September to 14 October 2017

The intestines, cut out with adamant and thrown from warm belly to the tomb-cold steel tray were left out for a long time, barely shaded. The tray became warmer than the beast’s blood, black foam surrounded the pellucid flesh and in it grew a soupy vapour. At first it touched on the putrid matter, swathed in decrepit gown, from there it departed silently and split open above a congealed pool of oil, akh, the poisonous sound of a bezoar dropping into fuscous liquor.

Text by Thea Smith

Kingsgate Workshops Trust

110 -116 Kingsgate Road, London NW6 2JG 

Main Office (Wed-Fri) 0207 328 7878 

Project Space (Thu-Sat) 0207 624 6324 


Project Space open 12-6pm Thurs - Sat during exhibitions



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