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Larry Achiampong and David Blandy's film FF Gaiden: Delete is being screened as part of the Arts

Online Screening | FF Gaiden: Delete by Larry Achiampong and David Blandy

Stay Home: Art in Uncertain Times

Arts Council Collection

Stay Home: Art in Uncertain Times is an online programme of single screen works selected by the Arts Council Collection team and their partners around the UK, presenting a varied selection of film and video works to entertain, amuse and inspire.

This week, Arts Council Collection Curator, Beth Hughes, selects Larry Achiampong and David Blandy’s FF Gaiden: Delete, 2016:

“I’m interested in hearing the stories of others, learning what other people’s lives are like and what they have to contend with. The accounts given in FF Gaiden: Delete stayed with me long after the film ended as these people have lived through and continue to live through horrendous oppression that is so far outside my realm of experience. There is something in the way the work presents these stories that really lasts; the synthetic, monotone voice devoid of emotion is matter-of-fact instructing us that this is what happened and we need to hear it. They are individual accounts but I imagine there are too many other people who have similar truths to tell.”

To watch it, click here.

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